Impedimenta, Furca, Sarcina, Marching pack
Here is my Furca, with some shots of the kit bag, details on my loculus, some info on assembling the pack, and photos of the elements. As we don’t exactly know what how the pack elements all worked, and what was included, this is based on the work of many re-enactors, and of course Trajans column. Some Romans feel the pack should include 2 sudis and 2 pilum, and the whole bundle is tied together. To me it appears that neither Connolly nor Junkelmann seem to feel that way, and also, if you are only carrying your furca in one hand, and two pilum in the other, in an attack you can easily discard the furca and have your pilum ready to go. Then all you have to worry about is getting your shield loose. If your pilum are tied up with a bunch of other sticks, it’s not so accessible. I prefer to believe that the sudis went with the tent- on the mule, Junkelmann style. A new interesting bit of research has been conducted by Tim Edwards of LEG II AUGUSTA in Britain. It involves using the carry pole without the cross bar, based a close re-examination of the depictions on Trajans Column. It is detailed here. Their Website is best viewed with Internet Explorer, not Firefox. As time permits, I will experiment with this myself, and add the results to this page.